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sun stone
Here is a list of sunstone benefits:
- Helps to fight against sadness and gloom
- Brings serenity, self-confidence and optimism
- Attracts luck and promotes the achievement of personal goals
- Brings peaceful sleep and protection
- Promotes new social relationships
- Fights erectile dysfunction and promotes fertility in women
- Toning of the heart, nervous system and immune defenses
- Provides digestive comfort and fights against bloating
Astrological sign compatible with the sun stone:
- Ram
- Lion
- Scorpio
corresponding chakra
- Second Chakra or Sacral Chakra
- Purifies in distilled salt water
- Recharges in sunlight on a druze or quartz geode
This stone is available as rolled stone , bracelet and pearl thread
The virtues and properties of stones and crystals are given for information only and do not in any way avoid medical treatment.